Winter School "Transforming 21st Century Conflicts"
Winter School "Transforming 21st Century Conflicts"
second edition
The Winter School “Transforming 21stcentury conflicts” offers a week of intensive online learning focused on the issue of promoting secure and inclusive societies through the adoption of innovative perspectives and tools. This project is designed within the framework of the call “Shaping a World Class University”, thanks to which the University of Padua promotes initiatives of virtual exchange.
The Winter School is designed to be highly interdisciplinary and international and to combine the teaching on conceptual and theoretical frameworks with more skills-building-oriented workshops, to promote knowledge, competencies, and skills among students of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd level of studies.
The project is designed, therefore, for the “Curriculum Enhancement” goal, and to introduce (mostly but not exclusively) law-school students to concepts and methodologies which are rarely part of their traditional learning programs at an undergraduate level.
Introducing students to perspectives like restorative justice and conflict transformation, and to critical and innovative instruments for enhancing restorative, responsive and transformative approaches to interpersonal conflict is considered as a key-factor for reflecting on topical issues such as active citizenship, democratic professionalism, participatory democracy and on the instruments that can help in the difficult task of matching the issues of security with the ones connected to inclusivity and to the promotion of peaceful communities.
General Information
The school is designed to take place in the last week of February 2023, and to offer an intensive path (mon-sat 9:30-12:30 / 15:00-18:00), and will be free for students.
Lecturers are selected among internationally recognized professors, researchers, and professionals; the program is designed to combine theoretical elements with practical workshops on the applications of the tools and methodologies that are proposed.
The Winter School is designed to be naturally interdisciplinary, with the aim of allowing different voices, approaches and disciplines to confront along common lines. The teaching program is designed to allow a balance between lecturers from the University of Padua and foreign lecturers, to enhance the mutuality of the exchange.
The initiative hosts maximum 30 students (undergraduate, master, PhD, from partner institutions and not).
For the final certification of attendance, it is necessary to attend 80% of the overall teaching time.
Inscriptions deadline: Feb, 15, 2023, 12.00 CET
Note: In case of more than 30 inscriptions, the Scientific Committee will evaluate the possibility of preference criteria, based on the candidates’ curricula
Academic: Faculty of Law & Economic and Business Sciences, University of Cordoba (Spain); Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology, University KU Leuvem (Belgium); Centre of Expertise on Global Governance, LeHague University of Applied Sciences (Holland), Collegium Civitas, Warsaw, (Poland), Centre for the Study of Social and Humanitarian Crises Social Work Department, University of Western Attica (Greece), Master IDeE (Università di Padova), Indira Gandhi National Tribal University (Manipur, India)
European Networks: European Forum for Restorative Justice
Professional: Mediares, Journal of Restorative Justice and Conflict Transformation; Avvocati per la Negoziazione (foro di Padova; Crisis Negotiation Future.
Academic: (University of Padova): Marialuisa Menegatto (fisppa); Debora Provolo (d.dir.pubbl); Federico Reggio (d.dir.priv); Letizia Mingardo (d.dir.priv); Elena Cadamuro (d.dir.pubbl);
Academic (from partner institutions): Angelo Anzalone (University of Cordoba); Barbara Warwas (Le Hague University of Applied Sciences); Anna Matczak (Le Hague University of Applied Sciences); Esmorie Miller (Lancaster University Law School); Brunilda Pali (University of Amsterdam); Katarzyna A. Przybyła (Collegium Civitas, Warsaw, Poland); Immanuel Zarzosang Varte (Indira Gandhi National Tribal University); Alexia Stouraiti (University of Western Attica, Greece); Katerina Soulou (European Forum for Restorative Justice); Paolo Sommaggio (University of Trento, Italy).
Professionals: Daniela Acquati (Italy); Massimo Antonazzi (Italy).
Special guests: Howard Zehr (Emeritus, Eastern Mennonite University), Barb Toews (University of Washington/Tacoma)
Scientific director: Federico Reggio, PhD,
Vice-director: Letizia Mingardo