Padova - June 17-21, 2019 DESCRIPTION The Innovation and Technology Law Summer School addresses emergingissues in the field of technology law, namely exploring the interface between computer science and law and the significant role that law plays in promoting innovation. The Summer School provides participants with the opportunity to attend one of Europe’s oldest universities, exchange ideas related to law, technology and innovation in an international environment, and experience cultural outings in a small group setting in Padova and nearby Venice. In 2018 it hosted 25 participants coming from more than 6 countries.
TARGET GROUP Professors, graduate students, research scientists, and professionals who are interested in the intersection of law and innovation. The program is subsidised, with registration limited to 30 applicants.
ACADEMIC BOARD & SPEAKERS The Innovation and Technology Law Summer School is promoted and directed by Prof. Claudia Sandei (Univ. of Padova) in cooperation with Prof. Seve Falati from Albany Law School in New York, with distinguished Law School Faculty from the United Kingdom, Macedonia and Italy also participating.
FEE AMOUNT (REGULAR): € 1.000,00 SPECIAL RATES: - EARLY BIRDS (before 31.03.2019): € 850,00 - ALUMNI UNIPD: € 850,00 € - TUITION ONLY (only for resident in Veneto): € 350,00 - UACS students: € 600,00 For more details, please follow the link below: | 
